Twitter Feeds and Other Updates

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Yeah! Mini-site redesign when I need to be at work tomorrow at 8:30. Good idea!

Anyway. Some stuff on the right moved around. I added a Twitter feed and bumped it to the top under recent posts. Fixed up the broken-ass 360 gamer card (finally) and shuffled a few other things around.

I’m sure you all care about this very much as this is very important to your daily existence. What would you do without me?

Really, the whole blog needs an overhaul soon. It’s getting creaky and I’m getting tired of the way certain things look. But that’s like, an all day project. And I’d rather be out doing stuff. Or like, you know, playing games.

Tops for 2010

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Here are the top queries, referrals and articles that brought people to my world in the past year. WassUp rules.

“ray gun nazi zombies”

Makes sense. I created the damn thing. Well, Max made the ray gun.

“jesse snyder”

I hear that guy sucks. I read it on the Internet like ten words ago so it must be true.

“nazi zombies ray gun”

Huh. That’s a lot like the first one, but I’ll take it.

> – – – Read the rest – –